Welcome to Luca Buchner!

Explore my works to your heart's content!

Game Developer

Luca Buchner

Developing with passion

Picture of Luca Buchner

About Me

Hi, I am Luca, a Game Engineering Student. Currently I am in my 8th semester and contrary to what one might expect after studying for such a long time, I find more and more motivation to study and produce anything within my branche. I enjoy designing a great experience for the players, making for a memorable playtime. Coding is one of my passions aswell. There is nothing as fulfilling as getting something to work after coding for hours or days on a task. Asside from those two main points I love to take a look in all the other areas within game production (or sometimes even outside). Learning is increadibly fun and can help in situations where you'd expect it the least.

My Skillset


Game Design

Visual Effects

3D Modelling






Teamwork Skills

UX Design